Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why is the name of the christian God capitalised but no of the others?

when referring to other gods, why is it that they aren't given special treatment like the christian god, after all they are just one god amongst thousands.

Why is the name of the christian God capitalised but no of the others?
Yes, it麓s like a cat

Reply:You seriously need to think about the context where you got these ideas from: an english speaking, Christian context is obviously biased to those things.

This is only because you are living in a Christian society. If you lived in some certain societies, they would refer to the Christian "God" as "some other false god" and their own god would be spoken of with reverence.

Actually, the name of the Judeochristian god is Yahweh, but I bet you didn't know this because you are most likely ignorant of the history of the religion you claim to follow. This is something of a prejudice in the English language where Christianity made the name of their deity the same as the English word for a god (God is god). The word "god" comes from the Proto-germanic translation of the Greek word "deus" which comes from the base "dyeu-" which means "to gleam", "to shine".

So now because of your upbringing in a Christian society speaking English, you think only your god gets to be capitalized and that his "name" is God. Hilarious.
Reply:Because Christians believe in One Supreme Being, King of kings and Lord of lords. He created heaven and earth and everything in them. He sustains all creation and powerful and mighty above all those who are called"gods". He is coming one day to judge the living and the dead and will destroy who love darkness rather than light.
Reply:Because he is the Creator. God is a title. When referring to the Creator (God) the G is in capital letters to distinguish him from those called gods in heaven and on earth. Those called gods were created by the Creator (e.g., angels, human judges) or by his creation ( e.g., Zeus, Dagon, etc)

God and those called gods all have personal names. All personal names must be in capital letters.
Reply:I don't capitalize "god" when I'm referring to the christian version of god or any other one because it is a title not a name. If I am referring to a specific god, such as Odin, I capitalize the name.
Reply:They are always capitalized when writing about a specific deity (treated like a common name). The word "god" is lowercase when talking about a type of being.

Reply:The word is capitalised only by the followers of the particular deity. Non-Christians don't capitalise, unless it's out of long habit.
Reply:All personal names should be capitalized, but not necessarily TITLES.
Reply:He is the God of creation. He deserve total reverence. His name should be use carefully. Not used casually, or with contempt.

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